
Disclaimer for new readers of, "The Leftovers":

I started, "The Leftovers" not really knowing what I was going to do with this particular project. I started to write my thoughts on money and the state of the American economy, the reasons why I started blogging and stopped working at "real" jobs. As time went on, posts got political. REALLY political.

I started with WordPress.com and thoughts about moving, "The Leftovers" to Google soon followed. I was still unsure what I wanted to do with, "The Leftovers", and then I became unsure where I wanted the project to reside and grow.

The thoughts of moving, "The Leftovers" did not subside. Every time I was working on a new post, I kept hoping I would be happy with whatever happened afterward. Even after months of publishing, I was extremely unhappy with the response. I gave up on trying to "win" at WordPress and started moving in the middle of a large series of posts I'm working on called, An Open Letter to "The Right".

Probably not the best idea I've ever had in relation to the project but, I'm already much happier with the whole project since committing to the move. 

I don't want people to be scared away by political discourse but, the topic does have a tendency to turn people off and I understand why.

So, here's your chance to run away unscathed. 

Normally, I would just continue transferring older posts over to this location but, today was different. It was one of those days where the internet really drained me of my energy. I was very disheartened to see the news, posts, responses, and activities online.

When I have one of these kinds of days, everything stops and I focus on whatever is draining my energy. It's how I work, it's my "process". 

I hope you have a passion for politics like I do and you continue to read, "The Leftovers".

Thank you.
