Originally posted June 6, 2017, on "The Leftovers" at WordPress.com
Edited 03-19-2018: Grammatically, Visually

It is called an entry-level position for a reason, it means almost anyone without work experience should be able to walk in and apply for the open position and be taken seriously enough to the degree, where you as the employer, feel comfortable in hiring the candidate, under the premise you are willing to train them to do the job you need to have completed on a regular day to day basis for your business to operate.
This is what jobs in America look like in this day and age, especially in the area I live in. People on the inside using any and all kinds of excuses to not hire anyone on the outside for an entry-level position.
I don't know much about the establishment displaying this sign, but here is what it tells me as an outsider:
The owner/operator, the management team, and the human resource department currently running this establishment are rude, arrogant, and don't take into account their own shortcomings and failures.
"Behind every able man, there are always other able men." - Chinese Proverb
Yes, this Chinese Proverb is talking about you, and even myself.
These same people have a revolving door policy when it comes to hiring. The phrasing of the words on the sign proves their frustration.
The sign was clearly written by a person who sounds something like this, "Oh my God, how many people have we hired this month? How many more people do we have to hire to find one good person able to meet our standards? I just want one person who looks decent, has all their teeth, has a socially acceptable hairstyle in relation to modern day standards, with no visible tattoos, perfect attendance records, will show up for work every day on time, no excuses, has access to reliable transportation, is between the ages of 18 and 30, can pass a drug test, doesn't have a criminal record, who isn't a threat to my own aspirations within the company or overqualified, who has at least two years experience at a well known establishment in a similar field, who doesn't cause drama in an already volatile work environment, and will take the job no questions asked at the lowest wage possible.".
Yeah, good luck with your search.
When they realize they can't find this person, they'll force themselves to scrape the very bottom of the barrel. They clearly don't want to stick their head into the barrel at risk of getting wet or even worse, drowning.
"If I can't easily access the hiring pool by skimming the water's surface, I'll just drain out the water and reach for the bottom because it is the next easiest method to catch fish."
They are the kind of establishment if you were to ask them about the sign, their response would probably be, "We put the sign out in an effort to scare off potential fence-sitters.", which means, they are using scare tactics, on people who aren't even currently employed at their establishment.
If they're using these kinds of practices during their hiring process, how do they treat their customers/guests? What do they tell their current staff when there are issues or problems?
"Well, we thought we had hired only people who had a clue but, here we are at another monthly meeting with you guys instead."
Stupid them, or stupid you? I can't decide.
At best, I can guess this sign is outside of a restaurant or retail store. It definitely offers service to the public, one way or another. It isn't a well-known national chain, otherwise, this sign would have probably caused someone to express their outrage on social media and/or news outlets would have noticed by now.
With retail stores and restaurants closing at a record pace in America, who is to blame? I don't know the real answer to this question.
However, it always seems to fall into the lap of anyone on the outside and hardly ever is the fault of the people inside. With the experience I have in the workforce, I've found there is one common practice at fault, bad business practices.
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