Facebook is good for a quick jolt to the brain, sometimes.
These jolts can result in a lot of different reactions.
The most recent jolt made me think of a new blog post idea I'm calling, "Hey, Karen!"
No Karen in particular, just, Karen. As in, "Karen needs to see this." or, "I wonder what, Karen is doing?"
Think of it as my version of, "Breaking News" but, with 100% more Karen in it...
I want everyone to think about this for just one moment.
For the people who are now suddenly asking, "Why not focus on food legislation over gun legislation? People are far more likely to die from a poor diet or lack of exercise than a gunshot wound."
Yeah, Karen. "We" know.
The same "liberal" minded people who are currently screaming their heads off about gun control are the same "liberal" minded people who screamed their heads off about eating a healthy diet and getting 30 minutes of exercise daily, years ago.
When Michelle Obama became the First Lady, she chose healthier school lunch options as her cause.
She was mostly defeated by the "food lobby" and changed course to create "Play 60". Remember those TV commercials? Yeah. They were primarily the work of First Lady, Michelle Obama.
What the Obama Administration did get passed in regards to healthier school lunches was rolled back by President Trump.
You're not going to start screaming over the top of "liberals" in an attempt to posture up like you just suddenly found the inside track on how things could be so much better if "The Left" would just "give up" on common sense gun control measures.
"The Left" want both, as far as I can remember, "The Left" has always wanted both, we're fighting for both, and we're going to get both.
Maybe not today, this week, this month, this year, or even during the Trump Presidency, but we will get both of these accomplished.
With or without, "The Right".
I honestly believe if more people were genuinely concerned about how politics works and how it affects the lives of Americans on a day to day basis, they would do more research and reading and a lot less of the BS Facebook posts like the one below.
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