Currently, there are a lot of questions about political ideology circulating America.
"What does The Republican Party stand for?"
"What does The Democratic Party stand for?"
As someone who self-identifies as being a part of "The Left", I think both of these questions are relatively easy answers. Even with the "chaotic" Trump Administration in charge.
I'm more interested in looking at how current events have pushed, "The Right" into their current political ideology.
The easiest way to do so is to look at the NRA's responses to recent mass shootings, specifically, school shootings.
Of course, the first question to answer is, "What does the NRA have to do with Trump's Presidency?".
Well, the NRA spent over 30 million dollars on President Trump's 2016 campaign.
It's no secret the NRA is the country's foremost advocacy group for gun ownership but, there are clearly two different versions of the NRA operating.
One version of the NRA sends spokesperson Dana Loesch to Broward County to participate in CNN's Town Hall.
During Ms. Loesch's appearance on CNN, she rarely mentioned guns, called the alleged Parkland, Florida shooter "crazy" multiple times, and generally presented herself as someone who wanted some kind of legislative changes to potentially prevent another mass shooting from occurring.
The other version of the NRA showed up, at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
At CPAC, Ms. Loesch and the NRA made an extremely different case.
"Many in legacy media love mass shootings. You guys love it. I'm not saying that you love the tragedy, but I am saying that you love the ratings." - Dana Loesch at CPAC
NRA Executive Vice President and CEO, Wayne LaPierre, warned of a "socialist agenda" to take away guns from law-abiding citizens, commented on "opportunists" not wasting one second to exploit tragedy for political gain, and defended Rights given to Americans through the Second Amendment.
Of course, what can only be described as the language of fearmongering was used.
Beware of "Liberals", they're looking to do anything they can to make you less free.
Watch out for "so-called European Socialists".
Dana Loesch referring to the alleged shooter as "crazy" multiple times.
Are Ms. Loesch and the NRA in support of easier access to Mental Health assistance for those in need?
No. If they were why wouldn't they support any other political party, or just keep their money out of politics altogether? It obviously isn't their true intentions.
What kind of legislation does the NRA support with an actual chance to prevent mass shootings?
No legislation I'm currently aware of.
What's are the NRA's reasons for not supporting an assault rifle ban then?
I don't know. Those heavily interested and involved in politics will tell you it's all about numbers. The popularity of legislation versus keeping an elected position in Congress.
I don't entirely buy this story and here's why.
Let's talk about some of the more obvious language used by the NRA.
"The legacy media loves mass shootings.", only for ratings, Ms. Loesch says.
Is this implying the Mainstream Media is behind "false flag" shootings?
I mean, if Ms. Loesch is right and Mainstream Media only cares about ratings, then surely they would want to adopt these practices, especially if they could so easily get away with it multiple times, right?
To my knowledge, the NRA has not made any kind of statement to back this ideology.
Interestingly enough, though. There are a lot of conspiracy theories behind the recent Parkland, Florida shooting. Unfortunately for Ms. Loesch and the NRA, these "attacks" originate from "The Right".
The Rise of Conspiracy Theory Code Words
Right-Wing Media Uses Parkland Shooting As Conspiracy Fodder
YouTube Pulls Alex Jones Video Saying Student Anti-Gun Activists Were Actors
How the Internet's Conspiracy Theorists Turned Parkland Students Into "Crisis Actors"
"The Socialist Agenda".Isn't it strange only "The Left" gets accused of an "agenda"?
"The Gay Agenda", "The Black Agenda", "The Feminist Agenda"...
There's a list with every individual group, their "agenda", and apparently only people from "The Right" get them in the mail regularly.
Here's an important video for everyone to watch about, "The Socialist Agenda".
With all of this in mind, America has a gun problem.
The problem starts with the NRA and the politicians who have pockets lined with money, tirelessly funneled in by this mirror universe gun advocacy group.
What do I think the NRA should look like?
The NRA shouldn't be as so bold as to act like a group of marine biologists studying the dangers of swimming in shark-infested waters by continuously throwing out chum.
When a mass shooting does occur, they should be asking the tough questions themselves and not waiting for the next group of survivors to do it for them.
The NRA should be advocating for the following:
- Trigger Locks
- Gun Safes
- Pro-longed Background Checks
- Background Checks at Gun Shows
- Gun Merchants to have access to a comprehensive list of citizens with Mental Health Issues
- A "Flagging" System for Citizens who purchase items outside the category of Assault Rifles; i.e. (Bump Stocks, Body Armor, Flash Grenades, Tripwires, Tear Gas, Gas Masks, Bulletproof Vests, etc.)
Does the NRA currently advocate for any of these things?
Here are the current advocacy claims of the NRA.
"Eddie Eagle Gun Safe Program"
At first, I thought I was going to have to take down my claim of the NRA not advocating Gun Safes but, this was not the case.
"Gun Safe" is not an actual gun safe.
The Eddie Eagle program teaches kids, the following.
When you see a gun; 1. Stop, 2. Don't Touch, 3. Run-away, and 4. Tell an adult.
Here are one Mother's thoughts.
"It's the gun equivalent of Stop, Drop, and Roll. My kids can recite it." - Lisa L.
Remember, this comment is about the difference between kids being caught on fire through whatever circumstance versus a kid being shot by a gun.
Kids don't play with fire versus kids don't touch the gun.
I'm not a parent, but I know which one I touched as a kid, several times...
Also, keep in mind how fire acts, in comparison to guns.
I don't necessarily have to touch a gun to get shot by it.
The very next testimonial posted on NRA's own website completely dismantles the idea of arming teachers with guns, an idea the NRA supports.
"A teacher knows their students best... It gives the teachers the autonomy and flexibility to choose what they know to be best for their particular group of students." - Dr. Lisa Monroe, Early Childhood Education Specialist
I would say "Stop, Don't Touch, Run Away, and Tell an Adult", sounds like common sense but, then I'm also reminded of what the NRA and gun advocates have said about teenagers who are currently anti-gun advocates.
The NRA respects young children enough to say, "Don't touch the gun." but, they have little interest in hearing what teenage mass shooting survivors have to say about gun control.
Who is pushing an agenda exactly?
If you're not entirely convinced the NRA is interested in propaganda style tactics. Here's a video they released on their official Twitter account.
"No one bothered to actually invite the gun owners." - Colion Noir
What is going on with "The Right" and their fascination with lists, agendas, and invitations? Here's an idea, don't wait for an invitation to have a discussion about guns, gun violence, and gun control.
I didn't get an invitation to write my own thoughts here on my blog but, I'm doing it anyway.
Also, I find it strange this is the NRA's official position when they did, in fact, receive and accept an invitation to CNN's Town Hall.
How quickly they've forgotten.
I'd go through and talk about the rest of the video but, I'm honestly having a hard time taking the video's content, Mr. Noir, or the NRA seriously at this point.
It's their own fault.
When President Trump held a gun control meeting at the White House, this is the main highlight of the conversation.
Here's another highlight, for extra perspective.
Guess what happened a few days after this meeting occurred? The President shifted his position on gun control again and refocused on bump stock restrictions and gun training for teachers.
As I said in the beginning, America has a gun problem. This country has had mass shootings and school shootings as a part of current events for 20 years now.
It's not "too soon". It isn't politicized. It's genuine concern for the safety of other Americans, specifically, young Americans.
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