
This post was originally posted August 21, 2017 to The Leftovers on

Edited 12-12-2020: Ease of Reading, Formatting, Grammatically.   


After the events of Charlottesville, I realized I wasn't achieving a goal I set out to accomplish with, "The Leftovers". I want people to feel free to talk about what I post and have a conversation away from the overwhelming noise constantly emanating from social media.

It doesn't have to happen here on this site, but I want to express how important it is to talk about things affecting American lives on a day to day basis.

I've been writing a series of posts called, "An Open Letter to The Right.", it is supposed to make people want to have open civil adult conversations about The Trump Administration and many other issues surrounding why people have issues with, "The Right".

This blog project is not filled with hate speech, anger, or insults. It is my take on how I remember the events of the 2016 Presidential Elections and why I, along with many others, don't agree with the direction the President is guiding the country.

After I had written my thoughts about Charlottesville, I noticed a lot of people across the internet were upset about others not speaking out against the protests, the violence, and the President. They asked others to take a side and to speak out.

At the end of the day, I'm only one person with a very small social media following and only a slightly larger group of people have read my blog projects. I felt it was important to take a stance and say what I felt, what I believe.

Someone once said, "If you want to win a debate, you have to show up for it.".

Please show up and use your voice to speak out for what you believe in.
